RGP Lua is an environment to run scripts written in the Lua Programming Language as plugins in the Finale Music Notation program. RGP Lua is free and compatible with all 64-bit versions of Finale. It is the successor to the very successful JW Lua plugin, which unfortunately ceased being updated in 2017.

Writing scripts for RGP Lua is as simple as setting up a development environment to create a script file (which is a .lua text file) and then configuring that file in the RGP Lua Configuration Window. The rest of this page describes how to get started and applies to scripts written either for RGP Lua or JW Lua or both (with minor differences noted).

Your First Script

Every programming reference seems to require a “Hello, world!” example, so here it is in Lua:

print ("Hello, world!")

If you want a “Hello, world!” example that shows up as a menu option in Finale’s Plug-in menu, here is a slightly more complex version:

function plugindef()
    return "Hello World", "Hello World", 'Displays a message box saying, "Hello, world!"'

finenv.UI():AlertInfo("Hello, world!", "")

A Quick Start

The fastest way to get a feel for how the Lua script language works is probably to read and test existing source code material, such as the scripts at Finale Lua. Make small changes to the script code and try and see what happens when you run it.

PDK Framework

Both RGP Lua and JW Lua map the Lua script language to the PDK Framework (created by Jari Williamsson). For more info about how to interpret the PDK Framework documentation for scripting in JW Lua, please refer to this page.

All accessible PDK Framework classes starts with the FC prefix, such as FCMeasure, FCMusicRegion, FCNoteEntry, etc.

The methods names (and as a result, the Lua properties) in the PDK Framework are in CamelCase. The constants are all-uppercase.

The Lua Language

RGP Lua and JW Lua are based on Lua 5.2. More information about the Lua computer language (and books about Lua) is available at the Lua home page, including the Lua 5.2 Reference Manual and the online version of “Programming in Lua”, First Edition (this book covers Lua 5.0, but for Finale Lua programming purposes, it should cover what you need.)

Lua is case sensitive. The basic Lua syntax is very similar to other computer languages and Lua is an easy language to learn. To be able to write plug-in scripts there are just a few concepts in Lua you need to be aware of, such as:

  • Variables
  • Tables
  • Functions
  • Namespaces
  • for … do … end loops
  • if … then … end conditional statements

However, to really take advantage of the full power of Lua, there are other very powerful tools (such as iterators, closures and coroutines) to explore.

Both RGP Lua and JW Lua include all the standard Lua modules (string, math, file, etc). Additionally, RGP Lua embeds luasocket if you select the Enable Debugging option when you configure it (or with the finaleplugin.LoadLuaSocket option). These modules can be used in any Finale Lua script, such as :

print (math.random(1, 10))

The ‘finale’ namespace

All functionality that accesses Finale through the Lua/PDK Framework resides within the finale namespace (namespaces use the dot separator).

For example:

page = finale.FCPage()

The ‘finenv’ namespace

The finenv namespace has been created to provide “programming shortcuts” to some objects that are often needed for a Finale Lua scripts. finenv currently contains these functions:

Member Description
finenv.Region() Returns an object with the currently selected region (in the document/part currently in editing scope), without the need for any other method calls. When running a modeless dialog in RGP Lua, this value is reinitialized to the current selected region every time you call the function. This could have side-effects if you have assigned it to a Lua variable, because the assigned variable will change as well.
finenv.UI() Returns the global “user interface” object (of the FCUI class). The FCUI class contains Finale and system-global tasks, such as displaying alert boxes, sounding a system beep, or getting the width of the screen, etc.
finenv.UserValueInput() Not supported in RGP Lua. Instead, it displays an error message box and returns nil. See comments below for how it works in JW Lua.
finenv.StartNewUndoBlock(string, bool) Ends the currently active Undo/Redo block in Finale (if any) and starts a new one with a new undo text. The first parameter (a Lua string) is the name of the new Undo/Redo block. The second parameter (optional, default is true) is a boolean, indicating if the edits in the previous Undo/Redo block should be stored (=true) or canceled (=false). Finale will only store Undo/Redo blocks that contain edit changes to the documents. These calls cannot be nested. If your script has set finaleplugin.NoStore = true, then this function has no effect and any changes to the document are rolled back.
finenv.EndUndoBlock(bool)* Ends the currently active Undo/Redo block in Finale (if any). The parameter indicates if the edits in the previous Undo/Redo block should be stored (=true) or canceled (=false). Finale will only store Undo/Redo blocks that contain edit changes to the documents. These calls cannot be nested. If your script will make further changes to the document after this call, it should call StartNewUndoBlock() again before making them. Otherwise, Finale’s Undo stack could become corrupted.
finenv.RunningLuaFilePath()* A function that returns a Lua string containing the full path and filename of the current running script.
finenv.RunningLuaFolderPath()* A function that returns a Lua string containing the full folder path of the current running script.
finenv.QueryInvokedModifierKeys(value)* A function that returns true if the input modifier key(s) were pressed when the menu item was invoked that started the script. The input value is any combination of COMMAND_MOD_KEYS.
finenv.RegisterModelessDialog(dialog)* Registers a newly created FCCustomLuaWindow dialog box with RGP Lua so that you can then display it as a modeless window with ShowModeless. You can register more than one dialog. The script terminates when all its modeless windows close.
finenv.FinaleVersion A read-only property with the running Finale “year” version, such as 2011, 2012, etc. For Finale 25 and later, JW Lua returns this value as 9999. However, RGP Lua (starting with v0.56) returns the major version + 10000. So Finale 25 returns 10025, Finale 26 returns 10026, etc.
finenv.RawFinaleVersion A read-only property with the full Finale version number. It’s constructed as 4 bytes with different version info. The highest byte is the major version, the next is subversion, etc. Use this only if you need the revision number of a specific major Finale version.
finenv.MajorVersion A read-only property with the major version number of RGP/JW Lua. Beta versions return 0, version 1.xx gives 1, etc.
finenv.MinorVersion A read-only property with the minor version number of RGP/JW Lua. A version 1.07 would give 7, etc.
finenv.StringVersion A read-only property that returns the full RGP/JW Lua version. This string can potentially contain non-numeric characters, but normally it is just <major>.<minor>, i.e., “1.07”.
finenv.ConsoleIsAvailable A read-only property that will return true if there is a console available for print() statements. Scripts that run from the Finale menu do not have a console. RGP Lua always returns this value as false.
finenv.IsRGPLua* A read-only property that always returns true in RGP Lua. In JW Lua it returns nil, which is the syntactically the equivalent to false in nearly every situation.
finenv.RetainLuaState* A read-write property that starts out as false in RGP Lua. If a script sets the value to true before exiting, the next time it is invoked it receives the same Lua state as before, including all global variables, require statements, etc. If there is an error, the Lua state is not retained, regardless of the setting. A script can change the value back to false at any time if it needs a fresh Lua state on the next invocation.

*Items with an asterisk are available in RGP Lua but not JW Lua.

Dialog Boxes

JW Lua supports dialog boxes to the user through the finenv.UserValueInput() call. Programming of these dialog boxes is explained in full detail on this page. However, RGP Lua does not support UserValueInput, and it should be considered as deprecated. Use FCCustomWindow or FCCustomLuaWindow instead. These work in JW Lua as well.

Finale Concepts

When you access Finale data in RGP Lua or JW Lua, the data is internally handled in a way that sometimes is very different from how a Finale user experience the data. This section lists some internal concepts in Finale that a Lua programmer for Finale should be aware of.

Enigma Database

Internally, Finale stores its database, historically called Enigma data which is loaded/saved from/to the database. Different data record types have different access parameters. However, the PDK Framework “hides” all calls to the database through its classes and methods.

Some data (such as the “page spec” record, which describes a page with its width, height, etc) is really simple and has no linked connections to other data in the database. Other types of data demand more, and might consist of linked data records across the database (for example an expression added to the score in Finale, which contains a number of different data records).

TGF Entry Frame

Note entries however, are not accessed through Finale’s usual database calls. They are accessed through a concept called the TGF entry frame, where all note entries in a single measure+staff+layer are accessed through one variable-sized data record. The TGF frame can actually be browsed directly in Finale, using Finale’s Edit Frame dialog box (in the Speedy Entry Tool).

A note entry can contain multiple notes (which are the different pitches in a chord), but the notes are just sub-data in the note entry.

Optimization Flags

Finale makes extensive use of bit flags (accessed through class properties in PDK Framework classes) to signal that the data should behave in a certain way.

However, when connecting some data types to measures and note entries, Finale also uses some internal flags to mark if the database should be accessed for the specific measure/entry. These flags are optimization flags, to speed up the performance in Finale. In the PDK Framework, all optimization flags end with Flag.

Example: if a note entry has articulations, there is a specific optimization flag for them that is accessed through the FCNoteEntry.ArticulationFlag property.

Editing Scope

Finale will edit the document and part that currently has the editing focus. Technically, the editing focus might be different from what the user sees on the screen (the visual focus), so a script can edit data in a document/part that is not currently visible. However, as a plug-in script programmer, it is extremely important that you make sure that the editing focus and the visual focus are identical when the plug-in script ends.

Class Concepts


An important concept in the PDK Framework is the collection. Usually, collection classes ends with a plural ‘s’ version of the “single-object” version. For example:

measure = finale.FCMeasure()      -- A single measure
measures = finale.FCMeasures()    -- A collection of multiple measures

Collections are not compatible with Lua tables, but they can be converted to Lua tables with the coll2table() function (see below).


A cell in PDK Framework termonology is a reference to a single measure on a single specific staff. The concept is used with the FCCell and FCNoteEntryCell classes, but it affects many other classes as well. The coordinate system for cells (at object creation, for example) always is x, y, which in the cell concept means measure_number, staff_number.

Connect to Finale/Lua

To fully integrate a plug-in script with Finale (and RGP Lua or JW Lua)—so it behaves like an independent plug-in—the script can describe the script through the plugindef() function.

Please note that JW Lua can handle many of the items in the plugindef() function automatically, by using JW Lua’s “Plug-in Def” dialog box. With RGP Lua you will need to use a text editor or IDE.

The ‘plugindef()’ function

The plugindef() function is an optional function that only should do a maximum of 2 things:

  • Return the plug-in name, undo string and brief description to be used in the Finale plug-in menu and for automatic undo blocks.
  • Define the finaleplugin namespace environment to further describe the plug-in (see below).

A simple plugindef() implementation might look like this:

function plugindef()
    finaleplugin.RequireSelection = true
    finaleplugin.CategoryTags = "Rest, Region"
    return "Hide Rests", "Hide Rests", "Hides all rests in the selected region."

plugindef() is considered to be a reserved name in the global namespace. If the script has a function named plugindef(), RGP/JW Lua may call it at any time (not only during script execution) to gather information about the plug-in. The plugindef() function can NOT have dependencies outside the function itself.

All aspects of the plugindef() are optional, but for a plug-in script that is going to be used repeatedly, the minimum should be to return a plug-in name, undo string, and short description.

The plugindef() function can return a maximum of 3 return values (all of them should be strings):

  • The first return value is the name of the plug-in. On Windows, the & character may be used before a letter to specify that letter as a mnemonic character keystroke when the script appears in Finale’s plug-in menu. (Example: “My &Plug-in” would make p the shortcut mnemonic key.)

  • The second return value is the undo text for the plug-in. JW Lua will append “ [JW Lua]” to the undo text when it sends the undo record to Finale. (Note: RGP Lua does not do this.)

  • The third return value is a brief description text (for the status/message bar in Finale and the JW Lua user interface).

Again, all these return values are optional.

The ‘finaleplugin’ namespace

The finaleplugin namespace is a reserved and defined namespace for the plugindef() execution. It can both contain properties that affect how the script will run and properties that further describes the script to the outside world.

Please note that since the execution of plugindef() is completely silent (no errors are displayed on failure), make absolutely certain that all spellings are correct (including correct upper/lower case).

The finaleplugin properties should only be set in the plugindef() function.

The properties are discussed in details on the finaleplugin properties page.

JW Lua redirects the output of the standard Lua print function to the JW Lua window, so all output from the print function shows up there:

JW Lua Window

RGP Lua has no output window, but there are a number of ways to see output from the print function.

  • Redirect it to an external debugger. See instructions for setting up a Development Environment for more details. (This works on both macOS and Windows and is the recommended approach with RGP Lua.)
  • Debug Finale under XCode on macOS. The print output appears in XCode’s “Output” window.
  • Run Finale from a macOS Terminal prompt. The print output appears in the Terminal window.

Additional Finale Lua Functions

RGP Lua and JW Lua add some some functions to the global namespace that are specially designed for plug-in script programming. They are listed below:


coll2table() transforms a PDK Framework collection object into a Lua-style table, so the items can be used with the Lua standard functions for tables (such as the standard table. library). The resulting table is 1-based (not 0-based as the PDK Framework collections). For example:

-- Load all measure objects
allmeasures = finale.FCMeasures()
-- Convert to table
measuretable = coll2table(allmeasures)
-- Sort the measure objects according to their width (widest measure first)
table.sort(measuretable, function (a,b) return (a.Width > b.Width) end)
-- Print the sorted result
for i, v in ipairs(measuretable) do
   print ("Item", i, "is measure number", v.ItemNo, "with the width", v.Width)


dumpproperties() creates a table consisting of all available properties for an object and their values. The keys in the table is the property names; the values in the table are the property values. Use the pairsbykeys() iterator (see below) to get the properties sorted in alphabetical order.

page = finale.FCPage()
properties = dumpproperties(page)
for k, v in pairsbykeys(properties) do
   print (k, "=", v)


each() is the general iterator “factory” for PDK Framework collection objects. It feeds the for loop with all the elements of the collection:

-- Print the widths for all the pages
allpages = finale.FCPages()
for v in each(allpages) do
     print ("Page", v.ItemNo, "has the width", v.Width)


eachbackwards() does the same as the each() iterator, but parses the elements backwards starting from the end of the collection. It feeds the for loop with all the elements of the collection. This iterator is available in beta version 0.31 and later.

-- Print the widths for all the pages, starting from the last page
allpages = finale.FCPages()
for v in eachbackwards(allpages) do
     print ("Page", v.ItemNo, "has the width", v.Width)


eachentry() feeds a for loop with all the note entry objects in a region, without saving them back. Mirror entries are processed with eachentry().

First parameter to this function is the region to process, where you could use finenv.Region() to get the current selection.

The second parameter is optional, but can be used to indicate the note entry layer(s) to load in Finale. The default is to load all visible layers. These values are available:

Value Description
-3 Don’t load any entries.
-2 The non-visible layers(s).
-1 All layers, regardless if they’re visible or not.
0 All visible layer(s). This is the default.
1 through 4 Load only the one-based layer number. The layer is loaded regardless of the layer visibility.
A bit mask combination of hex values 0x100, 0x200, 0x400, 0x800 The layers 1-4 in any combination.


counter = 0
for e in eachentry(finenv.Region()) do
   if e:IsRest() then
      counter = counter + 1
print ("The region contains", counter, "rest entries.")


eachentrysaved() feeds a for loop with all the note entry objects in a region and automatically saves the entries back to Finale after processing. Only use this function when the entries actually needs to be saved. It requires the same parameter(s) as eachentry() (see above). Mirror entries are not processed with eachentrysaved().

One other task that can be automatically done with eachentrysaved() is to delete entries. Just set the duration to 0, and eachentrysaved() will automatically delete the entry prior to saving it.

-- Let eachentrysaved() delete all rests in the selected region
for e in eachentrysaved(finenv.Region()) do
   if e:IsRest() then e.Duration = 0  end

Due to the way the TGF frame works, the note entry is not saved directly after each loop turn, but only when a frame has been fully processed.


eachcell() feeds a for loop with all the cell coordinates for a region. Partially selected measures are treated as being selected. The first coordinate is the measure, the second is the staff ID. eachcell() requires a region as the parameter, the easiest way is to refer to finenv.Region() to get the currently selected region.


for m, s in eachcell(finenv.Region()) do
   print ("Measure: ", m, "Staff: ", s)


loadall() feeds a for loop with the elements from a collection, typically where the data hasn’t been loaded. The supplied collection must support the LoadAll() method. This is a useful shortcut when the collection itself isn’t important, but rather all the items in the collection.


for m in loadall(finale.FCMeasures()) do
   print ("Measure width: ", m.Width)


loadallforregion() feeds a for loop with the elements from a collection, based on a region. The first argument is a created collection, typically without any loaded objects. The second argument is the region.

The supplied collection must support the LoadAllForRegion() method. This is a useful shortcut when the collection itself isn’t important, but rather all the items in the collection.


local region = finenv.Region()
for e in loadallforregion(finale.FCExpressions(), region) do
   print ("Expression's measure:", e.Measure)


pairsbykeys() feeds a for loop with the table elements, where the elements appear sorted by key. It returns the key/value pair just like the pairs() iterator in Lua.


t = {}
t["test"] = 12
t["a test"] = 100
for k, v in pairsbykeys(t) do
   print (k, "=", v)

Memory Management

The Lua language handles memory through garbage collection, so allocated memory is released automatically by Lua. However, there are a couple of points that a plug-in programmer should be aware of.

  • Define variables as local as often as possible. This becomes particularly important when group scripts (JW Lua only) are used (global variables survive to the subsequent scripts in the group as well), or when using libraries. However, if you are using finenv.RetainLuaState in RGP Lua, keep in mind that local variables can disappear between invocations of the script. Any cross-invocation state should be held in global variables.
  • The memory allocated by the PDK Framework’s Create methods is handled automatically in different ways by RGP Lua and JW Lua. JW Lua releases these memory objects after the full script has been run. RGP Lua allows the Lua engine to release them as part of normal Lua garbage collection.
  • For JW Lua, the Create methods can sometimes result in a huge number of objects waiting for release, for example, in a tight loop. Lookup classes (classes that end with Lookup) are available as a faster and more memory-efficient approach.
  • For RGP Lua, calling Create methods in tight loops is less of an issue, since Lua garbage collection releases unused items as the loop progresses. However the same Lookup classes are supported as in JW Lua.
  • When using the FCCellMetrics or FCNoteEntryMetrics class, make sure to call the FreeMetrics() method separately for the loaded object as soon as the data is no longer is needed. Finale allocates loaded metrics data internally, and metrics with a garbage collector can otherwise impact performance in scripts where lots of metrics data are loaded without release. This is not as big of an issue in RGP Lua because Lua garbage collection also releases the internal metrics data, but FreeMetrics() still gives you the control to free it as soon as you no longer need it.


  • If you don’t need a collection object anymore, you can set it to nil. That might benefit the performance in large scripts with huge collections of data (since it signals to the garbage collector that it can free the allocated memory).
  • There’s virtually no performance penalty to put lots of comments in the script code. Once the script has been loaded into the Lua engine, the code resides in (quite efficient) bytecode where only the actual execution code appears.
  • An alternative syntax for properties is to use the property name as a string table index with the object as a table. For example, the syntax mymeasure.Width is equivalent to mymeasure["Width"]. This alternative syntax might be useful when referencing properties dynamically through the code, especially in string variables. Example:
function print_property(obj, property_name)

print_property(mymeasure, "Width")

(Most of this content was copied from Jari Williamsson’s site and will be removed or revised if so requested.)