Namespace ‘finenv’

This page contains a detailed description of the finenv functions and properties that are available in the Finale Lua environment.

(Items with an asterisk are available in RGP Lua but not JW Lua.)

ConsoleIsAvailable (read-only property)

Returns true if there is a console available for print() statements. Scripts that run from the Finale menu do not have a console. RGP Lua returns this value as true if the script was launched by finenv.ExecuteLuaScriptItem and a print function has been registered for the FCLuaScriptItem. Otherwise it returns false.


if finenv.ConsoleIsAvailable then
   print("Hello World")
   finenv.UI():AlertInfo("Hello World", "")

CreateLuaScriptItems* (function)

Returns an instance of FCLuaScriptItems containing a collection of every menu item configured for the current running instance of RGP Lua. You can execute these items from within your script, and they will behave as if you had selected them from the menu. More information can be found at FCLuaScriptItem. You do not have to maintain your reference to the collection for the executed script(s) to keep running, nor does your script have to keep running. Invoking these items is launch-and-forget.

  • (none)
  • FCLuaScriptItems : A collection of all configured menu items in the current running instance of RGP Lua


local configured_items = finenv.CreateLuaScriptItems()

CreateLuaScriptItemsFromFilePath* (function)

Returns an instance of FCLuaScriptItems that can be used to launch ad-hoc scripts. The input is a string containing the fully qualified path to the script file.

  • string1 : [optional] A Lua string containing the fully qualified path to the script file. If this parameter is omitted, it still creates a collection with one item. You can then supply the Lua code with the item’s SetOptionalScriptText method.
  • string2 : [optional] A Lua string containing the Lua code to execute. If this parameter is provided, the contents of the fully qualified path are ignored, though RGP Lua will continue to use the path for display and security purposes.
  • FCLuaScriptItems : A collection of menu items defined in the script.

The returned collection includes one item for the script file and one item for each additional menu item specified in the plugindef function, if it has any. The items are also initialized with other properties from the plugindef function as appropriate, but you may modify them.


local script_items = finenv.CreateLuaScriptItemsFromFilePath("/Users/Me/MyScripts/script.lua")

See comments about executing ad-hoc scripts below.

DebugEnabled* (read-only property)

Returns the setting of “Enable Debugging” in RGP Lua’s configuration dialog. You could use this to add debug-only code to your script.


if finenv.DebugEnabled then
   -- print data to log

EmbeddedLuaOSUtils* (read-only property)

If this property is true, it signifies that the luaosutils library is embedded in this version of RGP Lua and can be successfully accessed with a require statement. You are also guaranteed that the minimum version of the embedded luaosutils is 2.2.0.

local luaosutils = finenv.EmbeddedLuaOSUtils and require('luaosutils')

EndUndoBlock* (function)

Ends the currently active Undo/Redo block in Finale (if any). Finale will only store Undo/Redo blocks that contain edit changes to the documents. These calls cannot be nested. If your script will make further changes to the document after this call, it should call StartNewUndoBlock() again before making them. Otherwise, Finale’s Undo stack could become corrupted.

  • boolean : The current Undo/Redo block should be stored (=true) or canceled (=false).
  • (none)


-- false: discards any changes that have been made

ExecuteLuaScriptItem* (function)

Accepts an instance of FCLuaScriptItem and launches it in a separate Lua state. If the item is an ad-hoc script (created with CreateLuaScriptItemsFromFilePath), you must maintain your reference to the script item until the ad-hoc script terminates. If you allow your reference to be garbage collected, or if your script terminates, the separate executing ad-hoc script terminates immediately. The function returns either a single value or three values if the executed item returns a message.

  • FCLuaScriptItem` : The script item to execute.
  • boolean : true if success
  • string : the returned message in a Lua string or nil if none
  • number : one of the finenv.MessageResultType constants if there is a message or nil if none|

If the boolean return value is false (i.e., an error occurred), the message is an error message that describes the error. If the return value true, the message is the first returned value from the executed script converted to a string. If the executed script returns nothing or nil, the message and message type are both nil.


local scripts = finenv.CreateLuaScriptItems()
local success, error_msg, msg_type = finenv.ExecuteLuaScriptItem(scripts:GetItemAt(0))

A script cannot execute itself from the list returned by CreateLuaScriptItems. If you attempt it, ExecuteLuaScriptItem returns an error message and takes no other action.

Ad hoc scripts (those created with CreateLuaScriptItemsFromFilePath) cannot run in trusted mode. Configured scripts (those created with CreateLuaScriptItems) run in trusted mode if they are configured to run in trused mode.

FinaleVersion (read-only property)

Returns the running Finale “year” version, such as 2011, 2012, etc. For Finale 25 and later, JW Lua returns this value as 9999. However, RGP Lua (starting with v0.56) returns the major version + 10000. So Finale 25 returns 10025, Finale 26 returns 10026, etc.


if finenv.FinaleVersion > 10025 then
   -- Finale 26+ feature implemented here

GetFinaleMainWindow* (function)

Returns an opaque handle to the main Finale window (Windows) or nil (macOS). This can be used to pass to functions in for manipulating Finale’s menus. To Lua it looks like light userdata.

local menu = require("luaosutils").menu
local finale_menu = menu.get_top_level_menu(finenv.GetFinaleMainWindow())

GetPluginDefFunction* (function)

Returns a string containing the plugindef function that RGP Lua parsed out of the script file. You can use this for diagnostic purposes if you think your plugindef function is not being parsed correctly.

local parsed_plugindef = finenv.GetPluginDefFunction()
-- You can now inspect parsed_plugindef to see what RGP Lua parsed from your script.

IsFinaleDemo* (read-only property)

Returns true if the version of Finale that is currently running is the demo version that cannot save or print. (Available starting in version 0.67 of RGP Lua.)


if finenv.IsFinaleDemo then
   -- take some action based on the fact that Finale cannot save or print.

IsRGPLua* (read-only property)

Always returns true in RGP Lua. In JW Lua it returns nil, which is syntactically the equivalent of false in nearly every situation.


if finenv.IsRGPLua then
   -- do something available only in RGP Lua

IsScriptActive* (function)

Boolean function that should always return true. This value is primarily useful as a diagnostic tool for testing RGP Lua. It proves that the plugin can find a running script from its Lua state, even if that Lua state is a coroutine state. Normal scripts probably never need to access this function.

LoadedAsString* (read-only property)

A read-only property that returns the setting of “Load As String”, either from RGP Lua’s configuration dialog or from the plugindef() function, whichever is in effect.


if finenv.LoadedAsString then
   -- read binary data from the end of the script file

LuaBridgeVersion* (read-only property)

Returns a string with the current version of LuaBridge that is embedded in RGP Lua. LuaBridge is an open-source C++ library that allows a C++ program to import classes from a C++ class framework into Lua. This property exists for diagnostic purposes and is probably not of interest to general users of the plugin.

LuaReleaseVersion* (read-only property)

Returns a string containing the full release version of the embedded Lua, including the minor update version.

-- prints "Lua 5.4.6" or whatever the current value is

MajorVersion (read-only property)

Return the major version number of the running Lua plugin. (Either RGP Lua or JW Lua.)


if finenv.MajorVersion > 0 or finenv.MinorVersion > 54 then
   -- RGP Lua v0.55+ feature implemented here

MessageResultType* (constants)

A list of constants that define the type of message returned by finenv.ExecuteLuaScriptItem (if any).

  • SCRIPT_RESULT : The message was returned by the Lua script. This is not an error message.
  • DOCUMENT_REQUIRED : The script was not executed because it specified finaleplugin.RequireDocument = true but no document was open.
  • SELECTION_REQUIRED : The script was not executed because it specified finaleplugin.RequireSelection = true but there was no selection.
  • SCORE_REQUIRED : The script was not executed because it specified finaleplugin.RequireScore = true but the document was viewing a part.
  • FINALE_VERSION_MISMATCH : The script was not executed because it specified a minimum or maximum Finale version and the current running version of Finale does not meet the requirement.
  • LUA_PLUGIN_VERSION_MISMATCH : The script was not executed because it specified a minimum or maximum Lua plugin version and the current running version of RGP Lua does not meet the requirement.
  • MISCELLANEOUS : Other types of error messages that do not fit any of the other categories.
  • EXTERNAL_TERMINATION : The script was externally terminated by the user or a controlling script.
  • LUA_ERROR : The message is an error message returned by Lua.


local scripts = finenv.CreateLuaScriptItems()
local success, error_msg, msg_type = finenv.ExecuteLuaScriptItem(scripts:GetItemAt(0))
if not success then
   if msg_type == finenv.MessageResultType.LUA_ERROR then
      -- take some action

MinorVersion (read-only property)

Returns the minor version number of the running Lua plugin. (Either RGP Lua or JW Lua.)


if finenv.MajorVersion > 0 or finenv.MinorVersion > 54 then
   -- RGP Lua v0.55+ feature implemented here

QueryInitializationInProgress* (function)

A function that returns true if the script is currently running at Finale startup. You can request your script to run at startup with finaleplugin.ExecuteAtStartup = true in your plugindef function.

  • boolean : True if Finale startup in progress.


if finenv.QueryInitializationInProgress() then
    -- execute expensive global variable initialization here
    finenv.RetainLuaState = true -- retain their values so that it only happens once

QueryInvokedModifierKeys* (function)

A function that returns true if the input modifier key(s) were pressed when the menu item was invoked that started the script. The input value is any combination of COMMAND_MOD_KEYS. You can create combinations by adding together the key codes.

  • number : The modifier key combination to check.
  • boolean : True if all of the specified modifier keys were pressed.


-- end the Lua session if both alt/option and shift are pressed when the menu is invoked.
if finenv.QueryInvokedModifierKeys(finale.CMDMODKEY_ALT + finale.CMDMODKEY_SHIFT) then
    finenv.RetainLuaState = false

RawFinaleVersion (read-only property)

Returns the full running Finale version number. It is constructed as 4 bytes with different version info. The highest byte is the major version, the next nybble is subversion, etc. Use this only if you need the revision number of a specific major Finale version.


if finenv.RawFinaleVersion >= 0x1b200000 then
   -- Finale 27.2+ feature implemented here

Region (function)

Returns an object with the currently selected region (in the document/part currently in editing scope), without the need for any other method calls. When running a modeless dialog in RGP Lua, this value is reinitialized to the current selected region every time you call the function. This could have side-effects if you have assigned it to a Lua variable, because the assigned variable will change as well.

  • (none)
  • FCMusicRegion : The region currently selected in Finale. (Empty if none.)


local sel_rgn = finenv.Region() -- get the current selected region
if not sel_rgn:IsEmpty() then
    -- do something

It is important to note that in the example above, any change you make to sel_rgn will also be reflected in finenv.Region(), unless running a modeless dialog. (See above comment.) If you need to modify the selected region, perhaps a safer method is to create a separate instance of FCMusicRegion as follows:

local sel_rgn = finale.FCMusicRegion()
if sel_rgn:SetCurrentSelection() then
    -- do something that modifies sel_rgn
    -- finenv.Region() is unaffected

RegisterModelessDialog* (function)

Registers a newly created FCCustomLuaWindow dialog box with RGP Lua so that you can then display it as a modeless window with ShowModeless. You can register more than one dialog. The script terminates when all its modeless windows close unless finenv.RetainLuaState = true is specified.

  • FCCustomLuaWindow : The window to register.
  • (none)


local dialog = finale.FCCustomLuaWindow()
-- add some controls to the window

RetainLuaState* (read/write property)

A writable property that starts out as false in RGP Lua. If a script sets the value to true before exiting, the next time it is invoked it receives the same Lua state as before, including all global variables, required modules, etc. If there is an error, the Lua state is not retained, regardless of the setting. A script can change the value back to false at any time if it needs a fresh Lua state on the next invocation.


global_var = global_var or initialize_global()
finenv.RetainLuaState = true -- retain the global_var we just created

RunningLuaFilePath* (function)

Returns a Lua string containing the full path and filename of the current running script. Scripts written for RGP Lua should always use this instead of FCString::SetRunningLuaFilePath. The FCString method depends on a global varible and is not reliable past the initial execution of the script. It exists only for backwards compatibility with older scripts.

  • (none)
  • string : A Lua string containing the path.


local my_path = finenv.RunningLuaFilePath()

RunningLuaFolderPath* (function)

A function that returns a Lua string containing the full folder path of the current running script. Scripts written for RGP Lua should always use this instead of FCString::SetRunningLuaFolderPath. The FCString method depends on a global varible and is not reliable past the initial execution of the script. It exists only for backwards compatibility with older scripts.

  • (none)
  • string : A Lua string containing the path.


local my_path = finenv.RunningLuaFolderPath()

StartNewUndoBlock (function)

Ends the currently active Undo/Redo block in Finale (if any) and starts a new one with new undo text. The first parameter (a Lua string) is the name of the new Undo/Redo block. The second parameter (optional, default is true) is a boolean, indicating if the edits in the previous Undo/Redo block should be stored (=true) or canceled (=false). Finale will only store Undo/Redo blocks that contain edit changes to the documents. These calls cannot be nested. If your script has set finaleplugin.NoStore = true, then this function has no effect and any changes to the document are rolled back.

  • string : The name of the new Undo/Redo block.
  • boolean : The previous Undo/Redo block should be stored (=true) or canceled (=false).
  • (none)


-- "Merge Layers": starts a new undo/redo block called "Merge Layers"
-- true: saves any prior changes
finenv.StartNewUndoBlock("Merge Layers", true)

StringVersion (read-only property)

Returns the full RGP Lua or JW Lua version. This string can potentially contain non-numeric characters, but normally it is just <major>.<minor>, e.g., “1.07”.


print("Running Lua plugin version: "..finenv.StringVersion)

TrustedMode* (read-only property)

Returns a code that specifies if and how our code is running as trusted code. (See the main RGP Lua page for more information. The possible return values are given in the finenv.TrustedModeType constants.


print("Trusted Mode: "..tostring(finenv.TrustedMode))

TrustedModeType* (constants)

A list of constants that define if and how our script is running in trusted mode. This values is returned by finenv.TrustedMode.

  • UNTRUSTED : The script is not verified. This is the most restrictive option.
  • USER_TRUSTED : The script was marked Trusted by the user. This is the most permissive option.
  • HASH_VERIFIED: The script has a hash value that was verified by a known whitelisted server. These scripts are trusted as long as they are not modified.
  • NOT_ENFORCED : Code trust is not being enforced, so the script is treated as USER_TRUSTED. This value is not possible in version 0.68 of RGP Lua and higher.

UI (function)

Returns the global “user interface” instance (of the FCUI class). The FCUI class contains Finale and system-global tasks, such as displaying alert boxes, sounding a system beep, or getting the width of the screen, etc.

  • (none)
  • FCUI : The global “user interface” instance.


finenv.UI():AlertInfo("This message appears in a message box.". "")

UserValueInput (deprecated function)

Not supported in RGP Lua. Instead, it displays an error message box and returns nil. Use FCCustomWindow or FCCustomLuaWindow instead. These work in JW Lua as well.

JW Lua supports dialog boxes to the user through the finenv.UserValueInput() call. Programming of these dialog boxes is explained in full detail on this page.

  • (none)
  • UserValueInput : An instance of the deprecated UserValueInput class (JW Lua) or nil (RGP Lua).


local dialog = finenv.UserValueInput()