
This library provides localization services to scripts. Note that this library cannot be used inside a plugindef function, because the Lua plugin for Finale does not load any dependencies when it calls plugindef.

Executive Summary

  • Create language tables containing each user-facing string as a value with a key. The key can be any string value.
  • Save the language tables in the localization subdirectory as shown below.
  • Use the *Localized methods with mixin or if not using mixin, require the localization library directly and wrap any user-facing string in a call to localization.localize.


To use the library, scripts must define each localization in a specified subfolder of the localization folder. If you provide region-specific localizations, you should also provide a generic localization for the 2-character language code as a fallback. The directory structure is as follows (where my_highly_useful_script.lua is your script file).


Each localization lua should return a table of keys and translations.


-- en.lua:
local t = {
    hello = "Hello",
    goodbye = "Goodbye",
    computer =  "Computer" 


– – jp.lua: – local t = { hello = “今日は”, goodbye = “さようなら”, computer = “コンピュータ” }

return t


– – es.lua: – local t = { hello = “Hola”, goodbye = “Adiós”, computer = “Computadora” }

return t

You can specify vocabulary for a specific locale. It is only necessary to specify items that
differ from the the fallback language table.

– – es_ES.lua: – local t = { computer = “Ordenador” }

return t

The keys do not have to be user-friendly strings, but they should be the same in all tables. The default
fallback language is `en.lua` (English). These will be used if no languges exists that matches the user's
preferences. You can override this default with a different language by calling `set_fallback_locale`.
Any time you wish to add another language, you simply add it to the subfolder for the script,
and no further action is required.

The `mixin` library provides automatic localization with the `...Localized` methods. Localized versions of user-facing
text-based `mixin` methods should be added as needed, if they do not already exist. If your script does not require the
`mixin` library, then you can require the `localization` library in your script and call `localization.localize`

Due to the architecture of the Lua environment on Finale, it is not possible to use this library to localize strings
in the `plugindef` function. Those must be handled directly inside the script. However, if you call the `plugindef`
function inside your script, it is recommended to pass `localization.get_locale()` to the `plugindef` function. This
guarantees that the `plugindef` function returns strings that are the closest match to the locale the library
is running with.

## Functions

- [set_locale(input_locale)](#set_locale)
- [get_locale()](#get_locale)
- [set_fallback_locale(input_locale)](#set_fallback_locale)
- [get_fallback_locale()](#get_fallback_locale)
- [add_to_locale()](#add_to_locale)
- [localize(input_string)](#localize)

### set_locale


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Sets the locale to a specified value. By default, the locale language is the same value as finenv.UI():GetUserLocaleName. If you are running a version of Finale Lua that does not have GetUserLocaleName, you can either manually set the locale from your script or accept the default, “en_US”.

This function can also be used to test different localizations without the need to switch user preferences in the OS.

Input Type Description
input_locale string the 2-letter lowercase language code or 5-character regional locale code



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Returns the locale value that the localization library is using. Normally it matches the value returned by finenv.UI():GetUserLocaleName, however it returns a value in any Lua plugin version including JW Lua.

Return type Description
string the current locale string that the localization library is using



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Sets the fallback locale to a specified value. This value is used when no locale exists that matches the user’s set locale. The default is “en”.

Input Type Description
input_locale string the 2-letter lowercase language code or 5-character regional locale code



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Returns the fallback locale value that the localization library is using. See set_fallback_locale for more information.

Return type Description
string the current fallback locale string that the localization library is using



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Adds values to to the locale table, but only if the locale table already exists. If a utility function needs to expand a locale table, it should use this function. This function does not replace keys that already exist.

@ (try_locale) the locale to add to @ (table) the key/value pairs to add

Return type Description
boolean true if addded



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Localizes a string based on the localization language.

Input Type Description
input_string string the string to be localized
Return type Description
string the localized version of the string or input_string if not found