
Provides access to the OpenAI apis. To use them successfully, you need an OpenAI account with an API Key. The safest and easiest place to put your API Key is in the RGP Lua prefix for the script or the System Prefix in RGP Lua. Whichever you choose, add this line to your script:

openai_api_key = "<your secure api key>"

This library assumes that there is a global string variable openai_api_key that contains your API key.

This code sends an https post message to OpenAI, so your plugindef() function must include

finaleplugin.ExecuteHttpsCalls = true

The callback_or_timeout parameters in each function determine if the call is synchronous or asynchronous. If it is a function, then this is the callback for an asynchronous call. If it is a number, it is the timout in seconds for a synchronous call. For synchronous calls, the function returns a session variable you should keep as long as the call is running. The callback function should have the following signature

function my_callback(success, response)
  • success (boolean) indicates if the function succeeded
  • response (string) the table representing the json response from OpenAI on success or an error message on fail

For asynchronous calls, the function returns the same two values directly.

If you are calling this from a running dialog box, it is recommended to use async calls for better user responsiveness. If there is no dialog box, synchronous calls are okay as long as the timeout is reasonably short.



openai.create_completion(model, prompt, temperature, callback_or_timeout)

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Sends a request to the OpenAI API to generate a completion for a given prompt.

Input Type Description
model string The model to use, e.g., “gpt-3.5-turbo”
prompt string The prompt to send
temperature number See the OpenAI documentation for information about this value. A reasonable value is between 0.0 and 1.0.
callback_or_timeout (optional) function or number Defaults to 5.0.
Return type Description
boolean if synchronous call. See above for asynchronous.
string if synchronous call. See above for asynchronous.


openai.create_chat(model, messages, temperature, callback_or_timeout)

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Sends a request to the OpenAI API to generate a chat session. If you start a new chat session, the chat session value is returned in the reply sting. You can then use that value to continue the same same chat session. (See the OpenAI documentation for details.)

The messages table is an array of tables with two elements, “role” and “content”. To start a fresh chat, the table should be initialized as follows:

local messages =
    {role = "system", content = "You are a helpful assistant"},
    {role = "user", content = <your initial prompt>}

Thereafter, accumulate all subsequent request and response messages into this table. The entire chat is sent to the API each time. The LLM does not maintain context. The role value for inserting each subsequent response message into this table is included in the response message. However, normally it is “assistant”. Messages for requests from the user always take the role of “user”.

There is a much more detailed explanation at the OpenAI documentation site for the API.

chat_session (string) The chat session to continue, or nil for a new chat session.

Input Type Description
model string The model to use, e.g., “gpt-3.5-turbo”
messages table See the description of this table above.
temperature number See the OpenAI documentation for information about this value. A reasonable value is between 0.0 and 1.0.
callback_or_timeout (optional) function or number Defaults to 5.0.
Return type Description
boolean if synchronous call. See above for asynchronous.
string if synchronous call. See above for asynchronous.