
The Mixin library enables Finale objects to be modified with additional methods and properties to simplify the process of writing plugins. It provides two methods of formally defining mixins: FCM and FCX mixins. As an added convenience, the library also automatically applies a fluid interface to mixin methods where possible.

The mixin Namespace

Mixin-enabled objects can be created from the mixin namespace, which functions in the same way as the finale namespace. To create a mixin-enabled version of a Finale object, simply add an M to the class name after the FC and call it from the mixin namespace.

-- Include the mixin namespace as well as any helper functions
local mixin = require("library.mixin")

-- Create mixin-enabled FCString
local str = mixin.FCMString()

-- Create mixin-enabled FCCustomLuaWindow
local dialog = mixin.FCMCustomLuaWindow()

Adding Methods or Properties to Finale Objects

The mixin library allows methods and properties to be added to Finale objects in two ways:

  1. Predefined FCM or FCX mixins which can be accessed from the mixin namespace or returned from other mixin methods. For example: ```lua local mixin = require(“library.mixin”)

– Loads a mixin-enabled FCCustomLuaWindow object and applies any methods or properties from the FCMCustomLuaWindow mixin and its parents local dialog = mixin.FCMCustomLuaWindow()

– Creates an FCMCustomLuaWindow object and applies the FCXMyCustomDialog mixin, along with any parent mixins local mycustomdialog = mixin.FCXMyCustomDialog()

*For more information about `FCM` and `FCX` mixins, see the next section and the mixin templates further down the page*

2) Setting them on an object in the same way as a table. For example:

local mixin = require("library.mixin")
local str = mixin.FCMString()

-- Add a new property
str.MyCustomProperty = "Hello World"

-- Add a new method
function str:AlertMyCustomProperty()
    finenv.UI():AlertInfo(self.MyCustomProperty, "My Custom Property")

-- Execute the new method

Regardless of which approach is used, the following principles apply:

  • New methods can be added or existing methods can be overridden.
  • New properties can be added but existing properties from the underlying FC object retain their original behaviour (ie if they are writable or read-only, and what types they can be).
  • The original FC method can always be accessed by appending a trailing underscore to the method name (eg control:GetWidth_()).
  • In keeping with the above, method and property names cannot end in an underscore. Setting a method or property name ending with an underscore will trigger an error.
  • Methods or properties beginning with Mixin are reserved for internal use and cannot be set.
  • The constructor cannot be overridden or changed in any way.

FCM and FCX Mixins & Class Hierarchy

FCM Mixins

FCM mixins are modified FC classes. The name of each FCM mixin corresponds to the FC class that it extends. For example __FCBase -> __FCMBase, FCControl -> FCMControl, FCCustomLuaWindow -> FCMCustomLuaWindow, etc etc

FCM mixins are mainly intended to enhance core functionality, by fixing bugs, expanding method signatures (eg allowing a method to accept a regular Lua string instead of an FCString) and providing additional convenience methods to simplify the process of writing plugins.

To maximise compatibility and to simplify migration, FCM mixins retain as much backwards compatibility as possible with standard code using FC classes, but there may be a very small number of breaking changes. These will be marked in the documentation.

Note that FCM mixins are optional. If an FCM mixin does not exist in the mixin folder, a mixin-enabled Finale object will still be created (ie able to be modified and with a fluid interface). It just won’t have any new or overridden methods.

FCX Mixins

FCX mixins are customised FC objects. With no restrictions and no requirement for backwards compatibility, FCX mixins are intended to create highly specialised functionality that is built off an existing FCM object.

The name of an FCX mixin can be anythng, as long as it begins with FCX followed by an uppercase letter.

Mixin Class Hierarchy

With mixins, the new inheritance tree looks like this:

             /         __FCBase    |    __FCMBase
     |       |        |
     V       |        V
 FCControl   |    FCMControl
     |       |        |
     V       |        V
FCCtrlEdit   |   FCMCtrlEdit
     |       |        |
     _______/       ---

FCM mixins share a parellel heirarchy with the FC classes, but as they are applied on top of an existing FC object, they come afterwards in the tree. FCX mixins are applied on top of FCM classes and any subsequent FCX mixins continue the tree in a linear a fashion downwards.

Special Properties

The mixin library adds several read-only properties to mixin-enabled Finale objects. These are:

  • MixinClass [string] - The mixin class name.
  • MixinParent [?string] - The name of the parent mixin (for __FCMBase this will be nil).
  • MixinBase [?string] - FCX only. The class name of the underlying FCM object on which it is based.
  • Init [?function] - Optional. The mixin’s Init meta-method or nil if it doesn’t have one. As this is intended to be called internally, it is only available statically via the mixin namespace.
  • MixinReady [true] - Internal. A flag for determining which FC classes have had their metatatables modified.

Automatic Mixin Enabling

All FC objects that are returned from mixin methods are automatically upgraded to a mixin-enabled FCM object. This includes objects returned from methods inherited from the underlying FC object.

Accessing Mixin Methods Statically

All methods from FCM and FCX mixins can be accessed statically through the mixin namespace.

local mixin = require("library.mixin")
local str = mixin.FCXString()

-- Standard instance method call
str:SetLuaString("hello world")

-- Accessing an instance method statically
mixin.FCXString.PrintString(str, "goodbye world")

-- Accessing a static method

Fluid Interface (aka Method Chaining)

Any method on a mixin-enabled Finale object that returns zero values (returning nil still counts as a value) will have a fluid interface automatically applied by the library. This means that instead of returning nothing, the method will return self.

For example, this was the previous way of creating an edit control:

local dialog = finale.FCCustomLuaWindow()
local edit = dialog:CreateEdit(0, 0)
edit:SetMeasurement(12, finale.MEASUREMENTUNIT_DEFAULT)

With the fluid interface, the code above can be shortened to this:

local mixin = require("library.mixin")
local dialog = mixin.FCMCustomLuaWindow():SetWidth(100):SetHeight(100)

local edit = dialog:CreateEdit(0, 0):SetWidth(25):SetMeasurementInteger(12, finale.MEASUREMENTUNIT_DEFAULT)

Alternatively, the example above can be respaced in the following way:

local mixin = require("library.mixin")
local dialog = mixin.FCMCustomLuaWindow()
local edit = dialog:CreateEdit(0, 0)
    :SetMeasurementInteger(12, finale.MEASUREMENTUNIT_DEFAULT)

Creating Mixins

General points for creating mixins:

  • Place mixins in a Lua file named after the mixin in the mixin or personal_mixin folder (eg __FCMBase.lua, FCXMyCustomDialog.lua, etc). There can only be one mixin per file.
  • All mixins must return a table with two values (see the templates below for examples):
    • A meta table of information about the mixin and meta-methods.
    • A public table with public properties and methods
  • The Init meta-method is called after the object has been constructed, so all public methods will be available.
  • If you need to guarantee that a method call won’t refer to an overridden method, use a static call (eg mixin.FCMControl.GetText(self)).

meta Properties

The meta table can contain the following properties and methods:

  • Init (optional) - An initializing method which should accept one argument, self.
  • Parent (FCX only, required) - The name of the parent of an FCX mixin. If not set or the parent cannot be loaded, an error will be thrown.

Creating FCM Mixins

Points to remember when creating FCM mixins:

  • The filename of an FCM mixin must correspond exactly to the FC class that it extends (ie __FCBase -> __FCMBase.lua, FCNote -> FCMNote.lua). Since FCM mixins are optional, a misspelled filename will simply result in the mixin not being loaded, without any errors.
  • FCM mixins can be defined for any class in the PDK, including parent classes that can’t be directly accessed (eg __FCMBase, FCControl). Use these clases if you need to add functionality that will be inherited by all child classes.

Below is a basic template for creating an FCM mixin. Replace the example methods with

-- Include the mixin namespace and helper methods (include any additional libraries below)
local mixin = require("library.mixin")
local mixin_helper = require("library.mixin_helper")

-- Table for storing private data for this mixin
local private = setmetatable({}, {__mode = "k"})

-- Meta information and public methods and properties
local meta = {}
local public = {}

-- Example initializer (remove this if not needed).
function meta:Init()
    -- Create private mixin storage and initialise private properties
    private[self] = private[self] or {
        ExamplePrivateProperty = "hello world",

-- Define all methods here (remove/replace examples as needed)

-- Example public instance method (use a colon)
function public:SetExample(value)
    -- Ensure argument is the correct type for testing
    -- The argument number is 2 because when using a colon in the method signature, it will automatically be passed `self` as the first argument.
    mixin_helper.assert_argument_type(2, value, "string")

    private[self].ExamplePrivateProperty = value

-- Example public static method (note the use of a dot instead of a colon)
function public.GetMagicNumber()
    return 7

-- Return meta information and public methods/properties back to the mixin library
return {meta, public}

Creating FCX Mixins

Points to remember when creating FCX mixins:

  • The name of an FCX mixin must be in Pascal case (just like the FC classes), beginning with FCX. For example FCXMyCustomDialog, FCXCtrlMeasurementEdit, FCXCtrlPageSizePopup, etc
  • The parent class must be declared, which can be either an FCM or FCX class. If it is an FCM class, it must be a concrete class (ie one that can be instantiated, like FCMCtrlEdit) and not an abstract parent class (ie not FCMControl).

Below is a template for creating an FCX mixin. It is almost identical to defining an FCM mixin but there are a couple of important differences.

-- Include the mixin namespace and helper methods (include any additional libraries below)
local mixin = require("library.mixin")
local mixin_helper = require("library.mixin_helper")

-- Table for storing private data for this mixin
local private = setmetatable({}, {__mode = "k"})

-- Meta information and public methods and properties
local meta = {}
local public = {}

-- FCX mixins must declare their parent class (change as needed)
meta.Parent = "FCMString"

-- Example initializer (remove this if not needed).
function meta:Init()
    -- Create private mixin storage and initialise private properties
    private[self] = private[self] or {
        Counter = 0,

-- Define all methods here (remove/replace examples as needed)

-- Example public instance method (use a colon)
function public:IncrementCounter()
    private[self].Counter = private[self].Counter + 1

-- Example public static method (use a dot)
function public.GetHighestCounter()
    local highest = 0

    for _, v in pairs(private) do
        if v.Counter < highest then
            highest = v.Counter

    return highest

-- Return meta information and public methods/properties back to the mixin library
return {meta, public}

Personal Mixins

If you’ve written mixins for your personal use and don’t want to submit them to the Finale Lua repository, you can place them in a folder called personal_mixin, next to the mixin folder.

Personal mixins take precedence over public mixins, so if a mixin with the same name exists in both folders, the one in the personal_mixin folder will be used.




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Checks if a class name is an FC class name.

Input Type Description
class_name string
Return type Description



View source

Checks if a class name is an FCM class name.

Input Type Description
class_name string
Return type Description



View source

Checks if a class name is an FCX class name.

Input Type Description
class_name string
Return type Description



View source

Converts an FC class name to an FCM class name.

Input Type Description
class_name string
Return type Description



View source

Converts an FCM class name to an FC class name.

Input Type Description
class_name string
Return type Description


mixin.subclass(object, class_name)

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Takes a mixin-enabled finale object and migrates it to an FCX subclass. Any conflicting property or method names will be overwritten.

If the object is not mixin-enabled or the current MixinClass is not a parent of class_name, then an error will be thrown. If the current MixinClass is the same as class_name, this function will do nothing.

Input Type Description
object __FCMBase
class_name string FCX class name.
Return type Description
__FCMBase|nil The object that was passed with mixin applied.



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Returns a mixin enabled UI object from finenv.UI

Return type Description


mixin.eachentry(region, layer)

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A modified version of the JW/RGPLua eachentry function that allows items to be stored and used outside of a loop.

Input Type Description
region FCMusicRegion
layer (optional) number
Return type Description
function A generator which returns FCMNoteEntrys